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NORAD-NORTHCOM Senior Enlisted Leader visits JTF-CS

By MC2 Benjamin Liston Joint Task Force Civil SUpport

FORT EUSTIS, VA – – Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Harold Hutchison, North American Aerospace Defense and U.S. Northern Command (NORAD and U.S. NORTHCOM) senior enlisted leader, visited with Joint Task Force Civil Support members May 18 and 19.

The first day included talks with members about the command’s most recent exercise, Vibrant Response 17, and how NORAD and U.S. NORTHCOM interacts as a higher headquarters when in command of a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear response force.

Hutchison said that JTF-CS assets are valued on many different levels in a Defense Support of Civil Authorities environment.

The second day of his visit consisted of an enlisted-only meeting that included topics of promotions, what JTF-CS will do in future joint operations, and recognition for enlisted service members in a joint environment.

“We’ve been talking about joint recognition for enlisted service members for quite some time now,” said Hutchison. “I would like to see every service member get recognized for being in a joint environment. I think it helps people become better leaders and they can take that leadership back to their respective service and bring a new capability to the command.”

For additional information on JTF-CS, visit us online at: www.jtfcs.northcom.mil or www.facebook.com/jtfcs.