JTF-CS headquarters was dedicated on June 14, 2012 in memory of U.S. Army Capt. Michael Dermott Mullan, who was one of the 343 New York City firefighters who died while responding to the 9-11 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center. He was a decorated U.S. Army Reserve nurse, an emergency room nurse, and a New York City firefighter, cited for bravery. He died rescuing civilians and fellow firefighters trapped inside the adjacent Marriott Hotel to the South World Trade Center. As a first responder, Capt. Mullan was committed to saving lives while serving his country as a Citizen Soldier. That core principle is the backbone of Joint Task Force Civil Support. The dedication ceremony was attended here by more than 200 people to include his mother, Mrs. Theresa Mullan, his sister and brother, 24 New York City firefighters, local-area firefighters, a Virginia Delegate, a Congressman and others. He was remembered as a selfless, caring person; a Yankees fan; a great piano man; and a bit of a prankster who “was larger than life,” according to his fellow firefighters.
• Capt. Michael D. Mullan (Apr 6, 1967 – Sept. 11, 2001): decorated U.S. Army Reserve nurse with the 344th Combat Support Hospital, an emergency room nurse at Mercy Medical Center, and New York City firefighter with Engine 3, Ladder 12, Battalion 7.
• Capt. Mullan served honorably in the U.S. Army for 15 years and distinguished himself in service to the New York City Fire Department for seven years.
• Capt. Mullan died during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City while rescuing civilians and fellow firefighters trapped inside the Marriott Hotel adjacent to the North and South World Trade Center. He was one of the 343 New York City firefighters who died while responding.
• Instead of heeding an order to evacuate the hotel, Mullan instead chose to respond to a distress call from two other firefighters located several floors up. As he made his way to the stairs, the Tower Two fell, tearing away most of the face of the hotel.
• As a first responder, Capt. Mullan was committed to saving lives while serving his country as a Citizen Soldier.
• Mullan Hall is located at 1504 Madison Ave., Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Newport News, Va., and is the JTF-CS headquarters.
• The Mullan Hall dedication ceremony on June 14, 2012 was held on the 237th birthday of the U.S. Army.
• “Mike chose the military to honor his father; he chose nursing to honor his mother; and he chose firefighting to honor himself,” – Battalion Chief Thomas S. McCarthyAdd Content...