CSM Erano “Buma” Bumanglag is from the great state of Aloha (Hawaii). He enlisted in the Army through the delayed entry program in 1994 while still in High School and entered active-duty service on 31 January 1995. CSM Buma most recently served as the MEDCOM G3/5/7 SGM- Office of The Surgeon General, Falls Church, VA- National Capital Region.
CSM Buma’s assignments include 147th Medical Logistics Battalion, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 32nd Medical Logistics Battalion and 261st Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 44th Medical Brigade, 7th Special Forces Group (A), 3rd Special Forces Group (A), United States Army Special Operations Command, Ft Bragg, North Carolina, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 65th Medical Brigade, South Korea, 21st Combat Support Hospital, 61st Multifunctional Medical Battalion, and Headquarters, Headquarters Company (HHC), 1st Medical Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas, and the 30th Medical Brigade, Sembach, Germany. CSM Buma has served in all levels of NCO leadership from Section/Team NCOIC, Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Support Operation NCO (SPO), Battalion Operations NCOIC, Senior Enlisted Advisor, First Sergeant, BDE Chief Medical NCO and Medical Operations Sergeant Major, Battalion Command Sergeant Major, Brigade Command Sergeant Major, and at the Nominative Level Leadership.
His military education includes Battle Staff and all Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Study courses (Sergeant’s Major Academy, Class 66) including Battalion/Brigade Pre-Command Courses and the Nominative Leaders Course. He has earned two Bachelor’s Degrees in Military Science and Administration and Management, and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership (Summa Cum Laude). His deployments include United Nation Mission in Haiti (UNMIH), Stabilization Forces Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo (SFOR), multiple rotations to Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Inherent Resolve. CSM Buma’s numerous awards and decorations stem from deployments, permanent changes of stations, and achievements. He has earned the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge, Master and Senior Parachutist Badge, and Basic Airborne Parachute Badge, Pathfinder Badge, and Air Assault Badge. He is a member of the Order of Military Medical Merit (O2M3) and a recipient of the Order of Saint Maurice (Legionnaire).