WEBVTT 00:01.190 --> 00:04.099 Exercise V 23 is an annual confirmation 00:04.110 --> 00:07.570 exercise for JTF headquarters and it is 00:07.579 --> 00:09.720 for our ability to demonstrate and 00:09.729 --> 00:12.020 respond to a natural or manmade sea 00:12.029 --> 00:14.600 burn response event in order to save 00:14.609 --> 00:17.719 lives and reduce human suffering . The 00:17.729 --> 00:19.969 value of conducting yearly exercises 00:19.979 --> 00:22.201 like vibrant response is our ability to 00:22.201 --> 00:24.423 build our confidence and the ability to 00:24.423 --> 00:26.646 respond in a real world event . I think 00:26.646 --> 00:28.868 the exercise went really well . We were 00:28.868 --> 00:31.120 able to learn some better practices so 00:31.129 --> 00:33.073 that we can implement those in the 00:33.073 --> 00:35.400 future . We built relationships with 00:35.409 --> 00:37.909 our partners such as the um dual status 00:37.919 --> 00:40.470 Commander Indiana as well as FEMA . So 00:40.479 --> 00:42.535 we already had that relationship for 00:42.535 --> 00:44.599 future missions . We know who to 00:44.610 --> 00:46.777 contact when an incident happens . And 00:46.777 --> 00:49.029 we also know the processes to enact in 00:49.040 --> 00:51.930 a real world response . I think it's 00:51.939 --> 00:54.161 overall an incredible exercise . You've 00:54.161 --> 00:56.272 got so much training across the staff 00:56.272 --> 00:58.495 that we've accomplished . We came out , 00:58.495 --> 01:00.050 we were ready to go . We're 01:00.050 --> 01:02.217 enthusiastic . There's definitely some 01:02.217 --> 01:04.217 learning that needed to be done . I 01:04.217 --> 01:03.919 think we take that on board . We've got 01:03.930 --> 01:06.097 lessons learned . I think we've seen a 01:06.097 --> 01:08.041 vast improvement in our skills and 01:08.041 --> 01:10.263 ability over the past few days compared 01:10.263 --> 01:12.650 to previous years of this exercise . 01:12.660 --> 01:15.059 This was absolutely perfect . Last year 01:15.069 --> 01:18.419 we had an entire coms outage on the 01:18.430 --> 01:20.597 laptops and we ran the entire exercise 01:20.597 --> 01:22.915 of cell phones and ipads and this year 01:22.925 --> 01:25.036 no such thing , we were good from the 01:25.036 --> 01:27.203 get go . Overall , it was a , it was a 01:27.203 --> 01:29.258 learning experience . I think we all 01:29.258 --> 01:31.369 walked away knowing a little bit more 01:31.369 --> 01:31.345 than we came into it , which is good . 01:31.355 --> 01:33.355 Cumulatively , we gathered a lot of 01:33.355 --> 01:35.244 information , learning more about 01:35.244 --> 01:37.411 ourselves , working together as a team 01:37.411 --> 01:37.410 than anything else . I think it was 01:37.419 --> 01:39.641 successful , the fact that we were able 01:39.641 --> 01:41.475 to accomplish all the objectives 01:41.500 --> 01:43.667 without anyone getting injured . We're 01:43.667 --> 01:45.833 always learning , we're always looking 01:45.833 --> 01:48.056 for ways to improve . So I think that's 01:48.056 --> 01:50.167 one of the biggest things we're gonna 01:50.167 --> 01:52.333 capture all those lessons learned . So 01:52.333 --> 01:52.239 the next time that we meet again , 01:52.250 --> 01:54.690 we'll put this to effect and continue 01:54.699 --> 01:56.930 to improve our readiness and how we 01:56.940 --> 01:59.273 execute the mission of joint task force , 01:59.273 --> 02:01.830 civil support exercises like vibrant 02:01.839 --> 02:04.860 response , do a great job of helping us 02:05.169 --> 02:07.225 not only see ourselves , but then we 02:07.225 --> 02:09.280 can provide a rapid response to save 02:09.280 --> 02:11.391 lives , protect the American people . 02:11.391 --> 02:13.447 And it shows our adversaries that we 02:13.447 --> 02:13.889 are a resilient nation .